Humboldt County Office of Education: HCOEnet

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Classified Job Application:  Printable Flyer
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Classified Vacancy
Position: School Bus Driver/Custodian/Maintenance Person (1 position) (optional Trainee incentive for interested applicants). Training program available.   #2780
Employing District: Cutten School District
Salary: $16.55hr to train- once trained as a bus driver $19.93 hr-$32.03hr- $26.85/Hr. + Benefits
Apply By: Open until filled
Contact Name: Becky MacQuarrie, District Superintendent, (707) 441-3900
1.0 Full time Position-fully licensed school bus driver 8 hrs/day, 5 days/wk, 260 days/yr, $20.33 hr-$32.67hr. based on experience + Benefits/CalPERS retirement or Training Program: Trainee pay is $16.88 hr. Once training is completed, employees are placed on the Bus Driver’s pay (Step 1) $20.33 hr.- (Step 18) $32.67 hr. New Drivers trained by CESD begin on Step 1. Paid Training Available - $4,000 Incentive Program!* Will train the right applicant! Trainee Incentive: Trainees will be paid (currently $16.88/hr) for the hours spent in Classroom and Behind-the-Wheel Training. Current Cutten Employees will be paid their current hourly pay rate. The payout and promotion will not occur until the Trainee passes both the Classroom and Behind-the-Wheel CHP-required tests. Classroom Training: Approximately 25 hours. Behind-the-Wheel (BTW) Training: Approximately 30 hours The Superintendent will have the discretion of determining trainees’ and employees’ continuing progress and have discretion to terminate the training if theSuperintendent believes candidates are not making acceptable progress, or will not successfully complete the entire program. Employment: Trainees who successfully complete the required training and pass the required testing will be offered either a regular or substitute School Bus Driver position. New School Bus Drivers will be paid at Step 1 of the hourly School Bus Driver wage for all hours worked. New Regular School Bus Drivers will be offered a $4,000 Incentive Program, structured and paid out in the following manner: * Completion of Year 1 = $1,000 - Completion of Year 2 = $1,000 - Completion of Year 3 = $1,000 - Completion of Year 4 = $1,000 Drivers will only be paid for actual hours worked. PLEASE NOTE: CESD COMPLIES WITH FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING. MUST POSSESS VALID “A OR B” COMMERCIAL DRIVER’S LICENSE WITH PASSENGER AND SCHOOL BUS ENDORSEMENT. MUST POSSESS A VALID SCHOOL BUS CERTIFICATE, MEDICAL CERTIFICATE AND MUST PASS A PRE-EMPLOYMENT DRUG TEST. High School Diploma or equivalent Valid California Driver's License DOJ/FBI Fingerprint Clearance (upon offer of the job) Please see the job description for a complete list of requirements.
Standard Application Procedure

  • Classified Application Form
  • MSWord Format | PDF Format
  • Cover Letter Stating reasons for application and summarizing candidate's qualifications
  • Resume
  • Proof of license or certificate
Return your Application packet to:

Becky MacQuarrie, Superintendent
Cutten School District
4182 Walnut Drive
Eureka, CA 95503

Apply By: Open until filled